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SMS marketing can be integrated into one’s digital strategy, along with email marketing, in order to reach the consumer directly and quickly.

The key aspect not to be forgotten concerns the privacy of the user intercepted and subsequently contacted. In fact, special attention is required to the proper handling of sensitive user data, such as the cell phone number itself or addresses that can identify a person.


SMS marketing and GDPR

The GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, regulates the processing of personal data by public entities and companies, which came into effect on May 25, 2018.

This need stems from the desire to protect personal data and to combat those entities that misuse data without asking for consent, going so far as to add to lists or send communications without permission.

SMS marketing is a strategy that is constantly evolving and, above all, widely used by companies. For this reason, it is necessary to comply with the regulations indicated by the GDPR before being able to start a communication plan.

What steps are required to safeguard privacy

Before you start communicating with your community, you need to make sure that the company is aware of the regulations in force. It is important to have good training and to proceed with the proper collection of data of the users you are interested in.

If you already have data, it is critical to do an audit and update those already in the database and, if necessary, ask for permission updates. Unnecessary or obsolete data can be deleted.

Once you have verified the data, you proceed with the next step: sending communications to users involves being transparent and honest and telling them the reason for which you collect the data, how long they will be recorded in the database and any other relevant information.

To do all this, opt-in and opt-out options can be offered, thus giving them the choice of whether to receive messages or not. Transparency is a value much appreciated by communities and inserting this option in communications via email or SMS, allows users to approach the relationship with more awareness and clarity.

Therefore, it is necessary to check whether customers have specified contact options, identifying the preferred channel: in fact, users can choose whether they want to be contacted by email, or by SMS. If they are no longer interested in receiving messages, they can unsubscribe themselves from the contact list, and therefore it is important that this can be done through unsubscribing by the most appropriate method. Choosing the correct channel for communication is critical in terms of effectiveness: this allows you to be able to increase engagement and openings. If a user asks to have his or her information deleted, it is up to the company to proceed with immediate deletion.

Each piece of data held in the database has a maximum retention period communicated to customers, past which the data must be deleted or authorization must be requested again. It is important to have a security system for the company in order to protect user data.

Protecting users from hackers

Every company must prove that it has obtained explicit consent from people to receive messages and communications. However, this is often not the case, as some companies manage to reach users who have not expressed any consent in this regard.

“It is unlawful to send promotional text messages to mobile telephone users where the informed consent of the subscriber has not been acquired in advance (in this case, a telecommunications service provider had sent sms with which opportunities to acquire logos, dedicate phrases and songs, commercial offers or new paid services were promoted)” – Garante April 9, 2003

SMS are hacking objects and for this reason it is recommended to activate two-factor authentication, paying attention to the type of service activated, the terms and conditions.

Managing personal data in a professional manner is important, as well as respecting the privacy of users, communicating with transparency in order to increase web reputation and corporate credibility.